If It Didn't Hurt

FREE COPY OF MY BOOK: Comprehensive Guide To Embody Your Pain's Wisdom & Express Your Soul's Gifts

This 123-page book will catalyze the transformation of your pain into your purpose

  • Personal Experience From Life & From 20 Years In Practice:
    Reframe your moment-to-moment experience so you can see how life is never conspiring against you... it's always conspiring for you.
  • Stories Of Transformation From People Just Like You:
    Learn how to uplevel your sense of what's possible for your body and life by witnessing the transformation of others—if my clients can do it, you can, too.
  • Exercises To Help You Embody Your Pain's Wisdom:
    Simple, step-by-step instructions to help you infuse your pain with new awareness and turn it into a portal to your authentic self.

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"...explore and enjoy as Dr. Jay lends his insight."

Shinzen Young, author of The Science of Enlightenment

Welcome To The BioSoul Integration Center

My name is Jay Uecker, developer of BioSoul Integration. Click the button to learn more about me, BioSoul Integration and, more importantly, how it can help you embody your Soul's gifts and express your Soul’s purpose on this planet.

Dr. Jay

Welcome To The BioSoul Integration Center

My name is Jay Uecker, developer of BioSoul Integration. Click the button to learn more about me, BioSoul Integration and, more importantly, how it can help you embody your Soul's gifts and express your Soul’s purpose on this planet.

head shot of Jay Uecker, D.C. founder of BioSoul Integration Center in Louisville, CO


I’m proud to say that I’ve been supporting people on their healing journeys since 2002. Over the course of that time I’ve worked intimately with nearly three thousand people.

Professional & Qualified

I received a Bachelors Degree in Education and Exercise Science before attending Northwestern College of Chiropractic, where I received my Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. I practiced as a licensed chiropractor for nearly two decades. I'm also trained in Brainspotting.


There are multiple options to accommodate your healing needs. I can support you personally and directly at my office, I can work with you face to face and one-on-one online or you can receive support by way of my online course.


I’m proud to say that I’ve been practicing for sixteen years, since 2002. Over the course of that time I’ve worked intimately with nearly three thousand people.

Professional & Qualified

I received a Bachelors Degree in Education and Exercise Science before attending Northwestern College of Chiropractic, where I received my Doctor of Chiropractic Degree.


There are multiple options to accommodate your healing needs. I can support you personally and directly at my office, I can work with you face to face and one-on-one online or you can receive support by way of my online course.

What Is BioSoul Integration?

The BioSoul Integration Center has been helping people express more life since 2002. I've combined the magic of techniques like Network Chiropractic, Brainspotting and IFS Parts Work with the healing power of Presence to create something I call BioSoul Integration. BioSoul Integration is a body-centered, energy healing technique that facilitates deep, embodied spiritual healing and soul integration. I do hands-on, group work from my office in Louisville, Colorado, as well as, online work with folks all over the world. Through BioSoul Integration my mission is to help individuals locally and around the world to create an ever-deepening connection to their bodies, their lives and their World; to help those who have felt the strong calling of their Soul’s purpose to give more of their unique gifts on this planet.

Dr Jay in clinic

What Do I Do?

The BioSoul Integration Center has been helping people express more life since 2002. I've combined the magic of techniques like Network Chiropractic, Brainspotting and IFS Parts Work with the healing power of Presence to create something I call BioSoul Integration. BioSoul Integration is a body-centered, energy healing technique that facilitates deep, embodied spiritual healing and soul integration. I do hands-on, group work from my office in Louisville, Colorado, as well as, online work with folks all over the world. Through BioSoul Integration my mission is to help individuals locally and around the world to create an ever-deepening connection to their bodies, their lives and their World; to help those who have felt the strong calling of their Soul’s purpose to give more of their unique gifts on this planet.

Jay Uecker, D.C. performing a BioSoul Integration session on a client at his office in Louisvile, CO


BioSoul Integration Group Hands-On Table Sessions

BioSoul Integration Energetic Coaching, In-Office Or Online

The Embodied Path Online Course: Eight Steps To Expressing Your Soul's Essence, Purpose And Calling

My Book: Paperback, Ebook Or Audio


BioSoul Integration Group Hands-On Table Sessions

BioSoul Integration Energetic Coaching, In-Office Or Online

The Embodied Path Online Course: Eight Steps To Expressing Your Soul's Essence, Purpose And Calling

My Book: Paperback, Ebook Or Audio

See What My Clients Have To Say

Julie Pelaez

Julie Pelaez

I started seeing Dr. Jay on a recommendation by a fellow yoga teacher. I thought I was going to see a chiropractor, but have to say that what Dr. Jay does is waaaaay beyond chiropractic care. He is an amazing healer and often times when I go in for low back pain, the treatment unfolds for many days (sometimes weeks) and involves not only a release in the physical body, but also the emotional body. I absolutely recommend Dr. Jay!

Susan Goodridge

Susan Goodridge

I had already been doing a lot of moving energy and had been opening a lot over the last few years. And now the work I have been doing with Jay is producing miracles. My body and nervous system is healing and opening so I can consistently express without feeling like I will die or get killed or love will be withdrawn. My days are joyful and even exciting. I feel alive and I’m opening up to relationship in a way that was impossible before because of this terror stuck in my system. If you are not experiencing Life the way you want, see Jay. Noes will become yeses without you even knowing you had a choice.

Robert Bellows

Robert Bellows

Dr. Jay is a trusted friend who by delicate touch and even more delicate listening is asking me to step straight into both the darkest and the brightest parts of my psyche. Our work together is a weaving together of those opposites into a dynamic fabric of expression and beauty. Our work together is inspiring me, at long last, to show up in the world speaking in my own voice. It has little to do with healing a symptom, a pain or an angst, but more to do with finally honoring the whole of who I am and loving who I am becoming.

Summer Kennedy

Summer Kennedy

My best friend encouraged me to see Jay because she said her treatments with him had improved her posture. I had been unhappy with my posture for years so I thought I would give Jay a try. The first time Jay put his hands over my back I felt something I can’t explain. During my weekly visits I see pictures while I am on the table that carry meaningful messages. What has been the biggest surprise is the profound dreams I have after a treatment. Dreams that deliver clear spiritual messages in words I can remember and repeat the next day. My posture is improving too but the time spent on the table is more about waking up parts of me that are asleep and getting a glimpse of what is beyond my day to day reality.

Pam Geddy

Pam Geddy

Working with Jay has opened up so many aspects of my journey. Physically, my posture has improved, my pain has lessened, my breathing has become deeper, and I am just more comfortable in my skin. I have worked through a huge well of emotional challenges, and have recently begun to have rather significant insights into my habitual ways of thinking and perceiving that have proved to be limiting. This work is an undertaking akin to traveling into more and higher consciousness, helping me to realize a promise I made to myself to discover my True Nature. We all owe it to ourselves and the world to become well and whole, and Dr. Jay will share his gifts and understanding to help that process.

Jonathan Sousa

Jonathan Sousa

The Body is the Frontier. This body, my body, is the path and the way. Jay has such a fine sensitivity to assist the navigation of this miraculous instrument. Sometimes it's the most delicate touch, other times it's a fierceness to meet the fire of transformation. This work tremendously helps me to uncover more and more of my True Self, and I am filled with an even greater longing to Manifest and to Serve.  Whatever the situation, it's a blessing to be met with the presence, depth, and skill that moves through Dr. Jay.

New Year’s resolutions fail for two main reasons: bad timing and wrong motivation. It all gets broken down in this blog post.

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Unveil the energetic blueprint: the cosmic design that transforms raw life force energy into human form from the very moment of conception.

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Unlock the intelligent energy trapped in lower back pain and transform your discomfort into a powerful pathway of spiritual awakening.

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Uncover the spiritual meaning hidden in lower back pain: intelligent energy guiding your personal transformation and growth.

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Your Journey Starts Here

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